Saturday, December 12, 2009


I broke my flippin' tooth!!

My mom sent me a package with some tootsie rolls in it, and I was like "Eh I haven't had a tootsie roll in forever" and tossed it in my mouth.

Then I was like "*crunch crunch crunch* ...Huh...did I hit a sugar deposit or something? Oh well."

Next thing I know there's this big GAP out of the side of my tooth.

Now, granted, it was a tooth (the ONLY tooth) that I had a cavity in a long time ago. A part of the side broke off, absorbed by the horrible goo monster that was the tootsie roll, and you could see the filling right down the middle and everything. I was like "welp."

This happened last night. Today I went to the dentist. Because you can do that in Japan.

The dentist cheerfully informed me that the filling was made of (either silver or mercury -- I'm hoping he meant silver because if it were mercury I'd be seeing wallbunnies and they'd be telling me to kill people with a teapot launcher) and that this was not good for my body or my teeth and wondered if I would rather they just take the filling out and replace it with the white one. I was like "sure."

So they --

-replaced my filling.
-fixed my tooth.
-cleaned my teeth.

Now, the way Japanese health insurance is, you have a 30% copay. I was all like "doom, doom, doom" because American health care is

I paid about 30 bucks.

For all that! I couldn't believe it. It blew my mind more than when we discovered the microwave could have metal in it without exploding.

I go back on the 26th for a follow-up, but for now I'm just amazed at how quickly and cheaply this worked out.


stein! said...

いいな!私はむし歯あるも。 at least, i think i said i have a bad tooth too and i'm gonna have to plunk down $1500 for my dental work. how i miss japanese insurance....

Nikki said...

I believe that mercury was the right word. Yes... our fillings have mercury in them. I've talked to many a dentist about this, and they seem to think there's no issue with it (b/c there's such a small amount)... but still... mercury *shudder*.